856D.2395/4–351: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia


1073. From Larson1 Walsh2 GSA and Dept. Re Embtels 1353 Apr 2, 1354,3 1358 Apr 3 and 1395 [13593] Apr 4. Re 1200 tons monthly from Sept, suggested offer 40 cent floor, to be paid time of shipment, with US pay difference between 40 cents and average published market price during month shipment, as long as market above 40 cents, payments to be made at end month. Might also ask if Indos possibly interested in this type arrangement for larger contract; it wld protect them against difficulties inherent in situation described para 3 Embtel 1358.

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FYI GSA has undertaken commitment clear any long term fixed price contract with Congress comites.

Wilson shld proceed Rome to arrive about 10th or 11th if possible, to return to SEA afterward. This to be confirmed by subsequent instrs.

Wilson shld notify Bangkok and Colombo if any definite arrangements need be cancelled.

Sent to AmEmbassy Djakarta priority niact 1073; rptd info AmEmbassy Colombo (last two paras only) 330, AmEmbassy Bangkok (last two paras only) 1425.

  1. Jess Larson, Administrator, General Services Administration.
  2. Aloysius T. Walsh, Commissioner, Emergency Procurement Service, General Services Administration.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.