Mr. John D. Small, Chairman, Munitions Board, Department of Defense to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Rusk)
Dear Mr. Rusk: I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9 March 1951 with reference to the issuance of priority ratings in connection with the procurement of 2975 jeeps from the Willys-Overland Corporation by the Republic of Indonesia.
Certain factors in connection with this case tended to negate the furnishing of priority assistance on a reasonable and sound basis. However, full consideration was given to the interest of the Department of State in the matter and its desire for affirmative action to be used in connection with the forthcoming discussions on strategic materials between the U.S. and the Indonesian Government.
For your information the Munitions Board staff approved the request for D.C. ratings on 9 March 1951 and recommended to the National Production Authority that such ratings be authorized for these items.
Sincerely yours,