751G.551/12–551: Telegram
The Minister at Saigon (Heath) to the Secretary of State
1137. Gen Cogny, De Lattre’s chief Milit Cabinet, returned Saigon today to be present during visit Admiral Radford.1 Cogny denied, and with good appearance sincerity rumors reports current in Saigon and Paris that Fr Govt extremely worried over IC problem particularly in view of De Lattre’s critical physical condition; that De Lattre not returning to IC and that De Lattre now despaired of victory.
Cogny told me that was first thought De Lattre wld have to suffer operation on leg as result of old war wound but was now decided operation unnecessary. Doctors had ordered De Lattre, however, to get some rest and he was obeying doctors orders. De Lattre and Fr Govt fully intend De Lattre return to IC in Jan and Madame De Lattre accompany him. Cogny expects him stay three active months in IC unless his physical condition becomes unexpectedly worse, there after return for brief rest in France. Cogny scoffed at rumors that Le Tourneau was candidate for High Commissionership Indochina. He said in case health of De Lattre worsened unexpectedly and Le Tourneau might consent as matter of duty to take over temporarily work of High Commissionership but he did not want the job. If such an emergency arose Le Tourneau wld not use title of High Commissioner but wld retain his portfolio of Min AS temporarily taking up residence in Saigon.
Cogny insisted that De Lattre still confident that within 15 to 18 months the VM rebellion cld be essentially stamped out provided Communist China did not send in troops. Latest figures on Chinese troops concentrated South China cited by De Lattre in his speech before High Council Fr Union2 were two [garble] thousand Chinese regulars and 120,000 provincial militia in the southern Chinese border region. Cogny did not define depth of this region.
Cogny said that De Lattre had been formally promised by Pleven that even if the general Fr budget were not ready there wld be special budget for IC by Jan 1. The budget wld not be as large as De Lattre had requested but wld be, Cogny said, sufficient to carry on with.
With regard to the meeting of the High Council of the Fr Union, Cogny said Huu and Viet Legation were acting very reasonably and correctly. The Cambodian Leg had caused few difficulties but not on [Page 557] any important issues. The New Laotian PriMin Souvanna Phouma had made good impression.
Sent Dept 1137, rptd info Paris 442.