851G.00–R/8–751: Telegram

The Chief of the Special Technical and Economic Mission at Saigon, (Blum) to the Economic Cooperation Administrator (Foster)


Toeca 953. 1. For your info and guidance wish emphasize that TA program offsetting Viets to US shows every sign proceeding very slowly and at present see little prospect speed up. In spite our constant prodding at all levels only applications for which we have recd formal govt approval are for proposed veterinary study trip. Number other cases still in abeyance including agri reform cong, young chemists study tour, bureau of reclamation program, and several individual cases in fields medicine, engineering and private industry.

2. Principal reasons for this regrettable slowness are fol:

Hesitation local govt show too much interest Amer programs as contrasted Fr (there has been no direct evidence Fr pressure this regard but it may exist);
Shortage qualified personnel practically all fields which makes local govts reluctant send specialists away;
Gen inefficiency local govts officials in handling papers, taking responsibility and reaching decisions;
Responsibility for coordination program of sending Viets to US under STEM program placed only two weeks ago in hands Min Plans and Reconstruction. He incidentally has been unable locate files on pending cases;
Because touchy polit situation and fear that some undesirable person may be sent abroad, Pres Tran-Van-Huu has recently ordered that he personally wishes review each case. This obviously serious bottleneck;
Pursuant recent mobilization order, govt organizing national census professional and tech personnel. Pending completion this census here gen prohibition departure techs and specialists with exceptions to be made only in selected cases. It looks as if doctors may be hardest hit.

3. Above for your background. Will keep pushing.
