751G.00/3–2151: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Bohlen) to the Secretary of State
5608. Min Associated States official this afternoon informed us that Council Mins Mar 20 approved decision National Def Comite re reinforcements IC subject to further conversations interested Mins with De Lattre. This official says no final decision has yet been reached. He explains difficulty comes from Min Nat Def, centering chiefly around Moch, and that problem is how Fr can meet commitments for Western Eur Def if cadres and specialists requested by De Lattre are sent IC. He states Min Overseas Fr Mitterand1 has also expressed [Page 409] some opposition due reluctance release forces from Africa, including communications and other specialists needed by De Lattre. Officials say that De Lattre plans depart for Saigon Mar 24 and that final decision expected to be made before that time. Director FE Affairs FonOff stated today he had no info re question reinforcements IC beyond that which has already appeared in press and which has been reported by Emb in previous tels. Buu Loc tells us that in conversation with him today De Lattre stated he expects to have his needs met in sufficient part to enable him to counterattack by Aug or Sept and that he is leaving Mar 24 for Saigon to be on hand for anticipated VM offensive, for which he has already made all necessary dispositions.
Since National Def Comite and Council Mins have given approval apparently in large part to De Lattre’s requests, it seems unlikely that arrangements will not be worked out to meet his essential needs. Emb will continue follow matter and report pertinent details.2
Department pass Saigon; sent Department 5608, rptd info Saigon 367.
- François Mitterand.↩
In telegram 5665 from Paris, March 23, Bohlen reported the following:
“De Lattre told me today that he has obtained everything he wanted and needed and showed me letter signed by Prime Minister Queuille stating that Council Ministers had decided give full satisfaction to all demands De Lattre with respect reinforcements and replacements Indochina. Letter mentions 12,000 new men for Indochina, although proportion French and African forces in this number not clear. He also said that within a year and a half he would be able to return these new troops and thus reduce drain on France and that by end of this year, with new Vietnamese formations and continued US military aid deliveries, he could have stable situation Indochina. He expects leave for Saigon March 24 or 25.” (751G.5/3–2351)