751G.5/3–1451: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
5380. Saigon telegrams 1567, March 8, 1605, March 11 and 1612, March 131 (repeated Paris 681, 695 and 699). While French misgivings US role and aims Indochina are not new story, it is somewhat distressing that at this critical juncture and at time when American aid Indochina is playing important part in enabling France and Associated States meet Communist threat these misgivings and suspicions [Page 396] should suddenly come to fore through expression by De Lattre himself. I am pleased to note frank and forthright manner in which Heath met situation in his talks with De Lattre and, unless Department perceives objection, I shall be glad to use occasion of De Lattre’s visit to Paris to follow through on this subject in an effort to make crystal clear that we are in Indochina only in effort to assist and to supplement and not supplant French. Although this is an oft-repeated theme, its forceful repetition to De Lattre should do no harm and I can use Heath’s report of his talks with De Lattre as excuse for bringing up subject.
Department pass Saigon; sent Department 5380, repeated info Saigon 354.
- Telegram 1612 from Saigon, March 13, is not printed.↩