790B.00/10–551: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India
753. During course of conversation concerning KMT troops in Burma, Counselor Brit Emb Wash showed Director PSA tel from Brit HICOM New Delhi1 describing msg Nehru2 had dispatched Thakin Nu concerning submission this case to UN. Nehru reported as having told Thakin Nu that he thought US and Brit Govts had taken and wld take all practical steps to solve problem; that submission case to UN wld be unproductive solution wld reflect unfavorably on Burm, might embarrass US, might encourage Red Chi to take strong measures northern Burm; but that if Burm submitted case to UN India wld support Burm position.
Foregoing given Director PSA on highly confidential basis.
AmEmbassy Rangoon 325; AmEmbassy Bangkok 799; USUN 184.