690B.9321/8–1551: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Burma
182. For Key from Rusk. Reurtel 189, Aug 15, Dept has made exhaustive investigation rumors of Amer connection with support and operations Li Mi force on Burma–Yunnan border. On basis these investigations Dept authorizes you categorically to deny to GOB that there is or cld be in future any official or unofficial US Govt connection whatsoever with this force. Moreover effective steps have been taken to eliminate and in future prevent any possible activity by private Amer cits in gunrunning or otherwise in support these guerrillas.
You shld impress on GOB that US fully shares its concern over dangers inherent in situation caused by Li Mi’s presence in or near Burma. We do not disguise fact we wish well any and all anti-commie [Page 290] forces within China but, apart from the reported threat posed by Li Mi to the domestic security of Burma, we are as anxious as GOB to eliminate a situation which might afford Chi Commies a pretext to invade Burmese soil. As GOB knows we have for months exerted our influence with Chi Natl Govt to ensure latter orders Li Mi scrupulously to respect Burmese frontier and confine his operations to Yunnan. Finally you shld frankly ask GOB if it has any suggestions (which you feel sure your govt wld sympathetically consider) as to any further actions by US which might assist GOB in its efforts to eliminate this extremely troublesome situation. Needless to say you shld continue endeavor dissuade GOB from reference this matter to UN.
Timing and decision whether or not to volunteer foregoing assurances to GOB or await its raising question with you left to your discretion but you shld keep Dept currently informed. You are further authorized in your discretion disclose contents this msg to your Brit colleague.
Dept is similarly informing Brit Emb here. [Rusk.]