641.74/10–1751: Telegram
The Ambassador in Egypt (Caffery) to the Department of State 1
507. The Brit Amb showed me this morning reports from Suez about disturbances there yesterday and the consequent measures taken by the Brit mil auths. The mil were forced to fire on mob at Ismailia attacking Brit dependents and killed five persons. At Port Said the [Page 406] Egypt police coop successfully in restoring order. (The Egypt Govt seems desirous of playing down this action because in communiqué they issued last night they mentioned that five persons were killed but did not state that the Brit had done it.) There were cases of looting Brit houses, burning Brit autos, etc. As the situation seemed to be getting out of hand the Brit established roadblocks at all entrances and exits of the canal zone. Brit Amb asked London for auth in case of extreme necessity to cut the Cairo oil pipeline. Suez mil were asking for reinforcements.
The Brit Amb sent a note this morning inviting the attn of the Egyptian Govt to this situation.
There were also cases of difficulties with Egyptian laborers employed at the base and deliveries of food supplies have been interrupted.
The Brit Amb sent report on all this to London and requested it be passed to State Dept.
The Brit Amb showed me a tel from Wash inquiring as to measures contemplated in case of danger to Brit and Amer lives. In conjunction with Brit mil Brit Amb has almost completed a comprehensive report on this which if approved at London will be transmitted to the State Dept. There are 27,000 Brit subjects in Egypt.
Brit Amb sent this morning another note to Egypt MinFonAff protesting against anti-Brit articles appearing in extremist press and against sermons preached in a number of mosques last Friday that it was no crime to kill a Brit subj.
As Dept is aware the hostility to the US prevailing two years ago had diminished very considerably. Of course, recent events have made us again a full target for Egypt popular and press animosity. The govt however up to now has been playing sharply down attempts to bespatter US and officials, and the King especially have gone out of their way in the past few days to show public sympathy with this Emb. Of course we will avoid any attempt to drive wedge between us.
The French and Turk Ambs returned to Cairo yesterday, I return today and Brit tomorrow.
The 16th Parachute Brigade is arriving this evening in Suez.2
- Repeated to London, Paris for MacArthur, and Ankara.↩
- In telegram 510 from Cairo, October 18, Caffery stated that while he believed the British “went beyond what was strictly necessary” in putting down disturbances in the canal zone, “their action has had a very salutary effect. If they had shown any disposition to give ground current situation throughout Egypt might well have become critical.” Caffery added that he would, however, “take occasion to tell Stevenson that I hope he will keep a close eye on his military and see that they do nothing which might worsen situation, as animosity against Brit has been considerably increased by happenings on the 16th October.” (641.74/10–1851) In telegram 516 from Cairo, October 18, Caffery repeated that British actions had “had very salutary effect in Egypt” and added that American business representatives at Suez confirmed that British forces had taken “practical charge of canal zone” including the Sinai bridge thus cutting Egyptian communications with military forces in Gaza (641.74/10–1851).↩