Berlin Mission files, lot 58 F 62, 572: Telegram
The Director of the Berlin Element of HICOG (Page) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfurt1
112. Attn Stone. Redeptel Frankfurt 281, (rptd Berlin 13) July 11,2 herewith status report Communist World Youth Bally Eastern Sector Berlin 5–19 August. Information encompasses Allied-German plans to blunt Communist designs.
Apparent Communists hope convince world they striving for peace as opposed to “war mongering” attitude of West. Recognizing such gathering permits opportunity contact between Communist exposed youth and democratic West, Commies making effort to contain participants Weltjungendfestspiele in Soviet Sector and deny access West Berlin.
Allied-West German planning has aimed at presenting West Berlin attractions permitting Eastern youth to visit West Sectors and offer opportunity to present Eastern youth true picture West’s personal and civic freedom. Regardless of efforts made by East Sector authorities unquestionably large number participants will spill into Western Sectors. Some estimates contemplate up to 200,000. Possibility, however, that Soviet intimidation, restriction may decimate expectancy of East visitors. Allied-German plans have been laid to present West Berlin exhibits which will enable visitors to contrast life East and West.
I. Background Information
A. Soviet Intentions
Current Communist plans differ from those formulated for 1950 Whitsuntide rally.3 This year reports indicate Communist desires to impress world that Communism symbolizes peace and that gathering in Eastern Sector displays might and unity of youth working in concert toward peace. To achieve impression Communists expect assemble over 1,000,000 youths for mass sport and cultural activities. Participants expected from all parts world. Majority however represent Eastern Germany. Although measures being taken by Communist officials to deny East youth access to West Berlin, possibly two types may be encouraged by Soviets cross East–West border. Groups are “intellectual goon squads” made up youth specially trained in propaganda techniques, and plainclothes “spitzels” sent to spy on, report East youth coming into West. Present intelligence minimizes both possibilities.
[Page 2009]B. Western Preparations
In view announced Communist intentions, Berlin Commandants agreed strive to maintain normalcy during August. Door to East will remain open, and Western authorities taking other steps deemed essential for carrying out general Western policies. Emergency military and public safety measures been fully considered and are ready for implementation.
Measures to minimize and counteract political-economic effects of Weltjugendfestspiele also receiving thorough consideration. Berlin Commandants early in year instructed Political Advisers to prepare preliminary report on Weltjugendfestspiele. As result of advisers’ study recommending creation tripartite committee to plan strategy, August committee was formed February 21, 1951;
Functions August Committee are to serve in advisory capacity to Commandants in matters concerning West German-Allied plans for special attractions and to coordinate fully all local Allied-German efforts. Parallel all-German August Committee was formed May 4 after some delay due to inertia on part of German officials. Dr. Hans Hirschfeld, Press Relations Officer for Mayor Reuter, named chairman German committee, which is made up of four sub-committees: (1) Sports Committee charged with planning sporting events; (2) Youth Committee charged with hospitality; (3) Cultural Events Committee responsible for cultural affairs; (4) Political Committee responsible for information program to counter Communist propaganda.
Efforts by Allied Committee to secure firm budget from German Committees have been in large measure fruitless. Commandants at meeting in June decided maximum Allied contribution would not exceed DM150,000 and could under no circumstances represent more than one-third of total contribution. To date Bonn Government has promised contribution amounting DM100,000 and Berlin Senat has promised DM50,000. Of these funds only DM10,000 from Berlin Senat has been definitely allocated.
II. Implementation of Plans
Pursuant to request by Commandants for background information on true nature Soviet intentions concerning Weltjugendfestspiele, Allied and German August Committees have compiled extensive material and are forwarding to High Commissioners who will make data available to Western governments.
On basis of all obtainable information and intelligence reports, the Commandants in consultation with their advisers agreed to pursue key policies noted below:
A. Free Access to West Berlin
Principal policy item to be stressed by West will emphasize free movement as element inherent in free democratic system, with fundamental [Page 2010] aim of underlining contrast East vs Western liberty. In this regard, policy of free access to Berlin is to be stressed. August Committee emphasizes that any invitation to the East German youth should stress impossibility of caring for Eastern youth desiring to remain in West as refugees. Problem arose during 1950 Whitsuntide period when thousands Soviet Zone youth, mostly adventurers, requested refugee status, over-taxing refugee facilities of West Berlin. Principal goal Western authorities is to welcome East youth who visit West while clearly implying that remaining Western Sectors not desirable or condoned.
Recent ban of FDJ in Federal Republic4 may have unfavorable influence on numbers of participants in the Weltjugendfestspiele. Commandants and West Berlin authorities deem it unwise presently to ban FDJ in West Sectors. Decision is to permit FDJ free access to city, providing visitors commit no acts prejudicial to security of Western Sectors. Communists are making efforts to insure attendance as initially contemplated as added attraction are offering free hospitality in GDR summer camps to West German youths who attended Kirchentag ceremonies in Berlin during July, and who wish to spend interim until World Youth Games on holiday.
Berlin youth organizations plan to distribute information concerning events scheduled in West Berlin during the Weltjugendfestspiele. Information to be in pamphlet form and copies will be distributed in East. Pamphlet will include map of city, will give locations of Western events as well as addresses of 50 youth centers.
B. Western Hospitality to Eastern Youth
West Sector hospitality program will be carried out by 50 youth centers. Efforts will be made to guide youth from East directly to centers, which will be specially equipped to reflect freedom permitted in West. Centers will also provide literature describing or explaining life in genuine democratic freedom. Leading American, newspapers, magazines will be available in centers, and each of 10 West Berlin newspapers expects to publish two-page youth supplement once during festival. 20,000 copies each issue are to be provided youth centers for free distribution. In this program material clearly stigmatized as propaganda will be excluded. Representatives of Western youth organizations, students and others will be present at youth centers to meet and discuss timely national and international problems. These representatives will receive preparatory courses [in] history, politics, international events, enabling them to converse intelligently with visitors from the East.
[Page 2011]III. Special Events Planned for the West
Commandants believe that the principle of a normal West Berlin does not preclude special attractions. In consequence, outstanding events have been planned in consonance with theme of freedom of movement and communication in West in contrast to life in East. Calendar of events which covers attractions in Western Berlin pouched Frankfurt and Washington 14 July.5
Television exhibit expected to be one of most popular attractions, will afford example of high Western technical achievement and should prove of major interest to visitors from East. Pamphlets to be distributed in connection with exhibit, though ostensibly dealing with technical side of television will depict freedom of informational media in free society.
IV. Remaining Elements of Difficulty
Allied and German planners, while sharing belief principal problems have been taken into consideration, are carrying forward task of integrating plans formulated in West Sectors in order to present common front to the East. Integration being handled through normal Allied and German committees established specifically for the August period. Possibility always exists that youth groups of extreme rightist bias may indulge in activity prejudicial to Allied-German policies and interests, but efforts being made to integrate such groups into overall plans.
- Repeated to Washington, Bonn, London, Paris, and Moscow.↩
- Not printed; it asked for the latest information regarding Western preparations for the World Youth Festival. (800.4614/7–1151)↩
- Regarding the Whitsuntide rally (Deutschlandtreffen) in Berlin at the end of May 1950, see telegram 1046, June 2, Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. iv, p. 861.↩
- On April 24, the Federal Ministry of the Interior had ruled that groups such as the FDJ which promoted the remilitarization plebiscite were illegal.↩
- The calendar of events under reference here has not been identified definitely in the Department of State files; however, a paper entitled “Events Scheduled in West Berlin During the Period of the Festival of World Youth,” undated, seems to be the calendar in question (Berlin Mission files, lot 58 F 62).↩