762A.022/10–2751: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State 1


2482. Deptel 2341 October 20, rptd London 2116, Frankfort 2531, Bonn 148, Strasbourg 27.2

  • 1. Brit Amb and I yesterday made approach to Schuman about Saar question authorized in reftel.
  • 2. Brit Amb opened with statement as to binding nature of assurances already given France as regards provisional status of Saar, adding that Schuman himself on several occasions had spoken of possibility of a solution prior to conclusion of peace treaty with Ger. He stated both our govts wld feel such a solution most advisable and that we wished to inquire whether French Govt was contemplating any initiative in matter.
  • 3. Schuman replied Fr Govt certainly had matter under consideration. Stressing he was speaking entirely personally, he said he did not think present status cld continue indefinitely even in absence of peace treaty or similar arrangement. He recalled elections will be held in Saar in 1953 and said he personally thought question shld be settled before then. He pointed out local situation is now quiet and Adenauer has preserved calm attitude re Saar for considerable period. He said it was possible in coming months Fr Govt wld begin exploring ground.
  • 4. In reply to my question Schuman said there was certainly possibility of solution in context of Fed Eur. He understood there were Germans including possibly Adenauer himself who favored such a solution but he did not know how acceptable it wld be to Bundestag. [Page 1984] He emphasized Fr Govt’s firm opposition to annexation of Saar, but added any settlement must take account of facts Saar is econ part of Lorraine basin of France. Present arrangement is working very well and present policy of Fr Govt is that this econ attachment shall continue. In other words, Saar shld remain econ apart of France but not politically so. He speculated as to possibility of special status for Saar placing it under Eur community. He recalled in passing that in Germany after 1870 Alsace and Lorraine were not made ordinary Ger states but were regarded as forming a kind of trust common to the whole Reich. Saar while enjoy complete autonomy might be conceived to occupy somewhat similar position in respect of states making up European community. Another alternative according to Schuman wld be for Saar to be politically independent like Luxembourg while remaining attached economically to France, but he understands Ger wld not like this solution.
  • 5. Above account of conversation has been concurred in by Brit Amb.
  1. Repeated to London, Frankfurt, Bonn, and Strasbourg.
  2. Not printed; it authorized Ambassador Bruce in association with British Ambassador Harvey to make a personal approach to Schuman. (762A.022/10–1951)