320/12–151: Telegram
The United States Representative at the the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 459. Subject: SC elections. Re developments Latin Amer caucus as result our ICJ position reported Delga 448, USGADel staff recommends circular instruction to Latin Amer capitals reiterating importance we attach to rejection of Sov satellite Byelorussian candidacy for SC. This shld be stated in affirmative form of reaffirmation of reasons for this position and of our support for Greece as principal candidate for this seat. Circular shld express hope dels will be instructed to take similar position in SC elections next week.
Strong conviction of USGADel staff that we must maintain our position re SC election and this will be recommended USGADel in reporting present sitn on Mon morning.
Holmes1 at our request has talked to officer in charge of FonOff today, Dixon,2 and indicated our serious concern over this sitn. These views will be communicated to Eden who is away from London for weekend. Dixon thought Jebb might have instructions by tomorrow night.
At our suggestion Bonsal3 talked this morning with De La Tournelle4 and found Fr surprisingly categorical on supporting Byelorussia. He admitted they thought they had probably “corrupted” Brit on this score. Bonsal reiterated importance we attach to supporting Greece and rejecting Sov satellite Byelorussia.
- Julius C. Holmes, Minister of Embassy in the United Kingdom.↩
- Sir Pierson Dixon, British Deputy Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.↩
- Philip W. Bonsal, Counselor of Embassy in France.↩
- Guy de La Tournelle, Director-General of Political and Economic Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.↩