320/1–252: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, January 4, 1952—6:17 p.m.
Gadel 594. Re Indians in South Africa.
- 1.
- We approve additional para re neutral individual Delga 823 Jan 2.
- 2.
- We approve Del decision 21 Dec abstain on third preambular para and operative paras 2 and 3 of draft Res (Delga 754 and 770 Dec 20).
- 3.
- Del shld also abstain on the second preambular para in view of fact we voted against para 3 of Res last year which South Africans are now charged with contravening.
- 4.
- In accordance position paper SD/A/C.1/360, Del shld vote against para placing item on agenda seventh session.
- 5.
- In vote on Res as whole Del authorized vote in favor as Res generally similar to last year’s Res on which we voted affirmatively in plenary. Dept convinced, however, Res unlikely accomplish anything and there is risk that coming on top present SW African situation it will make return S African Del to GA more difficult.