320/12–2351: Telegram
The Senior Representative on the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Jessup) to the Secretary of State
Delga 800. Subj: Indians in South Africa. Miss Strauss in ad hoc polit comite yesterday gave US statement, which included suggestion of neutral individual to assist in bringing the parties together. Suggestion apparently well-received by Indian deleg, which for first time showed real interest in this idea. Indian deleg said it wanted to study idea and indicated it might wish to incorporate an appropriate paragraph in five-power draft resolution, either by way of substitution or as an addition to five-power text. US del has not proposed any specific language, but has prepared, to hold in reserve for possible use if necessary, fol language:
“Requests the Secretary-Gen to lend his assist to the govts concerned in the event that such assist might prove helpful in initiating discussions between them with a view to resolution of their differences;”
We believe seed planted by Miss Strauss statement has taken root in minds of sponsors; we propose for present to let situation develop before we engage in further activities this subj.
As reported in Delga 770, deleg believes that assist of neutral individual such as SYG might be more helpful in bringing parties together than commission such as five-power draft proposes, since it appears that South Africa will again ignore recommendation for commission.
Will keep Dept informed of developments.