320/12–851: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 569. Indians in South Africa. Taking into account Dept’s Gadel 352, Dec 5, Miss Strauss suggests and staff concurs with inclusion of fol para in her brief statement:
“Perhaps we need at this moment the moral leadership of a personality in whom the parties have confidence—one person above political controversies who can help bring them together. This has led to resolving of the most difficult controversies in the past. Parties in dispute who seriously wish to seek understanding and agreement for their own and the common good have often had recourse to this method. It is a method which men often prefer because it gives them a chance to preserve their self-respect while they seek to achieve a mutual accommodation in practical arrangements. I emphasize this idea because I believe so strongly in the method of conciliation.”