320/12–451: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 504. Re Indians in South Africa. Miss Strauss1 who will handle this item is thinking of throwing out following idea in her comite statement without making any formal proposal:
Americans and other people have had experience in dealing with racial problems. We in US have made considerable progress and there is number of outstanding citizens who have done great deal of thinking and work in this field. Perhaps Union of South Africa on one hand and India and Pakistan on other could agree to select one of three men who would act entirely in private capacity and help parties to get together again for the purpose of discussing their differences.
Would appreciate Dept’s reaction to this idea. This item scheduled to come up following German item which now in Comite V.
- Anna Lord Strauss, Alternate Representative on the United States Delegation to the General Assembly. (Nota Bene: In the United States system of representation on organs of the United Nations, Alternate Representatives had the same status as Representatives.)↩