Editorial Note
At its plenary meeting on February 4, the General Assembly in Resolution 541 (VI) took note of the fact that the Third Committee had [Page 821] not been able to give the consideration “that they deserve” to the documents relating to freedom of information; and decided to postpone the item until the Seventh Session. For the appropriate documentation that had been tabled for the consideration of the Third Committee, see fascicule for agenda item 11 in GA (VI), Annexes, pages 11 ff. The brief proceedings of the General Assembly on the item are recorded in GA (VI), Plenary, pages 496–498. For text of the resolution, see GA (VI), Resolutions, page 35.
Third Committee consideration of the item was taken up almost wholly with extensive discussion of the Oatis case, on January 30 and 31 and February 2, 1952. For an initial statement of some length about the Oatis Case by the United States Representative (Tobias), see GA (VI), Third Committee, pages 413–415. For the Third Committee’s proceedings as a whole on this matter, see ibid., pages 413–446.