IO Files
Memorandum of Conversation, by Ambassador Philip G. Jessup of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly
Subject: Security Council Slate
Participants: | Minister of State Lloyd1—U.K. Delegation |
Ambassador Philip C. Jessup—U.S. Delegation |
At the meeting of Committee I this afternoon, I told Lloyd that Malik had approached me this morning on the question of filling the Yugoslav seat in the Security Council. I said that I noticed he was talking to Lloyd later and wondered if he had raised the same point. Lloyd said that he had. I did not get from him a clear impression of just what reply he made to Malik except that it was probably somewhat evasive. Lloyd said to me that, if we were going to do business with the Soviets, we had to consider agreeing on something. He said the trouble is to determine whether any other particular opening represents a change in attitude or whether it was merely horse trading on a particular issue. He agreed with me that it was quite probable that the Soviets were merely trying in this instance to get back their seat on the Security Council. I told him that we had told a good many people that we were supporting Greece for the Yugoslav seat and that this was among the reasons why any change would probably be impossible. He said they had also told people they were supporting Greece. I also pointed out the difficulty we had all experienced in maintaining even a 7-vote majority in the SC. Although Lloyd said nothing definite to this effect, I got the impression that this was a matter which he would take up with Mr. Eden, and which he was by no means dismissing out of hand.
- Selwyn Lloyd, British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.↩