320/11–2251: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 259. Do not understand reference Delga 312 to Fr proposal to divide Newsgathering Convention into two Conventions.1 Has Fr abandoned proposal single Convention Eight Correction in favor dividing Newsgathering text into two optional conventions?
Dept awaiting report high-level approach FrDel suggested Gadel 642 and concerned that USDel may be forced accept two conventions without any assurance support for newsgathering provisions. Even with such assurance important divided convention be supported only last resort as means preventing adoption original Fr proposal as suggested Gadel 183.
- In the Delegation’s classified information summary for November 22, transmitted in Delga 312, November 22, mention was made that the United Kingdom was “indifferent” to a “French proposal” to divide the Newsgathering and Right of Corrections Convention into two conventions (320/11–2251).↩
- Dated November 5, p. 811.↩