320/12–1351: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Union of South Africa 1
128. Re Delga 641, Dec 13, rptd Pretoria as Paris No. 3.
Dept inclined believe no useful purpose wld be served by raising this issue and arguing legal case with So Afr Govt. Dept inclined believe further in view of high state emotions Southwest question has created [Page 712] in So Afr it would be very difficult raise this question with So Africans without impairing relations with them. In event, however, charges illegality Fourth Committee action in inviting Herero Chiefs are rptd in subsequent conversations you are authorized, in your discretion, state that on analysis legal issues involved, US considers GA committees entitled if they so desire invite persons appear before them.
- Repeated for information to Paris for the U.S. Delegation as Gadel 456.↩