320/12–751: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 551. Subject: South West Africa. Joint resolution South West Africa handed in today sponsored by Cuba, Den, Ecuador, Egypt, Iraq, Philippines, Thailand, and US. Text same as that submitted in US/A/C.4/2121 except small verbal changes first two paras, substitution “regrets” for “deplores” in para 14 and alteration of para 17 to provide for reconstitution new Ad Hoc Comite unnamed blank states because Den insisted getting off comite.
Reconstitution new comite therefore offers possibility US also discontinue serve, although strong pressure being brought to continue. Dept’s reaction this point wld be appreciated. Appears likely res will be adopted huge majority.2
- Dated December 1, p. 696.↩
On December 8 Ambassador Sayre told the Fourth Committee that the draft resolution “was the culmination of the Committee’s sincere efforts throughout the years to find a just and practicable solution to the thorny question of South West Africa. …
“It was greatly to be regretted that those efforts had failed. All the Committee could do was to support the opinion of the International Court of Justice and to hope that the Government of the Union of South Africa would give effect to that opinion. It was essential to maintain the rule of law and reason in international affairs. A just solution in respect of South West Africa would bring greater peace and harmony not only to Africa but also to the world as a whole. The people and Government of the Union of South Africa believed in the rule of law and had contributed much to its maintenance. … He therefore felt that a solemn appeal should be made to the Government of the Union of South Africa to reconsider its position and to resume negotiations on the basis of the proposals of the Ad Hoc Committee on South West Africa. … The joint draft resolution was couched in reasonable, though firm terms, and he trusted that it would win unanimous support.” (GA (VI), Fourth Committee, p. 131.)