320/7–1751: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Union of South Africa
13. Negots between GA Ad Hoc Comite SW Afr and Union have reached point where Dept considers approach thru dipi channels may be useful. Accordingly Dept called in Jooste yesterday urge acceptance in principle by Union new draft agreement (text by air pouch) along lines submitted by Comite using arguments outlined below. You shld take same line, in your discretion and as opportunity affords, with officials FonOff.
US strongly hopes Union will agree accept Comite draft in principle since
- a.
- Comite proposal includes three basic principles agreed to by Union rep and Comite; i.e., (1) new agreement regulating future status terr be negotiated, (2) provision cld be made for implementation, (3) certain modifications re mil and security provisions be made in terms mandate.
- b.
- US confident GA will continue discuss SW Afr any event, hence little practical gain to Union in restricting implementation to ICJ thru judicial supervision as Union proposes rather than accepting Comite proposals for implementation thru UN paralleling LN procedures far as possible. Latter arrangement wld result in far less hostile, acrimonious GA discussion, thus favoring Union and indirectly other free nations friends of Union. Successful negot agreement will remove question SW Afr from category “special” UN problem attracting undue attention, lead to consideration more normal atmosphere.
- c.
- Union interest adequately safeguarded under proposed procedures since reports wld be examined by expert Comm which cld meet privately and which wld report to small polit comité, including Union, resembling League Council and operating basis unanimity. Such procedure wld place ultimate report to GA under control since wld have to be unanimously approved by 15 members GA.
- d.
- US given careful study to proposal of Comite and considers that, while GA approval agreement on present lines possible, any proposal containing less than principles set forth present draft wld fail to obtain required two-thirds majority in GA.
As to parties to such agreement, US wld be willing as one of remaining Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be one of contracting parties, if GA approved, and if UK and France agreed, and if such arrangement were still desired by Union as proposed by Union rep when putting forward Union proposal.
In view above considerations and after careful study question, U.S. strongly urges acceptance points in Comite draft as best means liquidating question and removing cause for attacks in UN on important member free community of nations.
FYI Jooste said Govt acceptance difficult in view present state public opinion and accordingly he and Dr. Steyn recommending delay of [Page 688] month or six weeks for further reflection. Dept gained impression counter proposal wld not be rejected in toto. Believes suggestion for delay in reply may be useful. Jooste feels fact negots with Comite representing cross section UN held in such cooperative and friendly atmosphere represents significant progress and will help show his Govt it possible deal amicably with UN on vital matters.