795.00/12–550: Telegram

The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State


517. Contact between CCF and UN forces in Eighth Army sector remained light yesterday as latter forces continued withdrawal.

About 300 vehicles were sighted in enemy rear areas last night of which 220 moving south. Heavier traffic was observed on road from Sakchu to Unsan. Yesterday what appeared to be 5 Mig–15’s attacked 2 UN F–80’s northwest of Chongju, damaging 1 of latter. This represented first encounter of this type for 2 weeks.

Eighth Army Intelligence definitely accepts following Chinese armies in North Korea: 38th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 66th, and 50th. At least 4 prisoners have been taken recently who claim to be from CC 37th Army. It possible but not confirmed 48th, 49th and 65th armies are in Eight Army sector. 37th army is carried as part of third field army und 65th and 66th as special army groups. Remainder above stated armies carried as fourth field army units. Chinese Communist 20th and 27th armies are accepted as being in X corps area. It possible but not confirmed Chinese Communist 30th army also operating in X corps area. Chinese troops encountered thus far have fought hard and well though losses have been extremely heavy. They well maintained, organized and disciplined. Numerous ex-KMT soldiers are found but proportion of whole not established. Officers and non-coms invariably [Page 1382] Communists and ranks leavened with Communists. Chinese troops have shown little disposition to surrender. Equipment mainly US and Japanese. CCF thus far have not had heavy artillery and few if any tanks. Their tactics reminiscent of those used by North Koreans in early days of war, infiltration and mobile warfare being stressed.
