357.AD/11–2950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands


657. Information has reached Dept to effect that certain members UNCURK in meeting Nov 29 favored earliest departure for Japan contending duties could be effectively carried out in Tokyo. After debate UNCURK decided postpone decision but possibility Commission’s leaving Korea not averted.

You shld inform FonMin that in view this Govt is altogether indispensable this juncture that UNCURK be present Seoul in response to plain meaning terms reference of Oct 7 Res which not only vest in it an exclusive representative function on behalf of UN but likewise reiterate UN finding re lawful character ROK govt which has become victim act of aggression as determined by SC. Dept trusts that Govt will instruct its rep on UNCURK to vote in favor Commissions continuance Seoul.

This connection you shld assure FonMin Unified Command numbers among its principal responsibilities that of taking every precaution to ensure safety of UNCURK and secretariat personnel and of providing for their prompt and efficient evacuation from any area in Korea where they might become exposed to risk of military action.

[Page 1259]

Rptd to Karachi, Bangkok, Manila, Ankara, Santiago, Canberra; rptd to Seoul for info only.1

  1. The code room was instructed to add the following for Santiago and Canberra only: “Australian and Chilean reps in particular are opposing move by UNCURK to Japan.”