Editorial Note
The United Nations Security Council held its second meeting on November 28 from 3 to 6:50 p. m.; for the record, see U.N. document S/PV.527. Virtually the entire meeting was devoted to a lengthy statement by the delegate of the People’s Republic of China, General Wu Hsiu-chuan, condemning United States policies in Taiwan and Korea. In conclusion, the Chinese delegate submitted the following draft resolution (S/1921), which was subsequently sponsored by the Soviet Union:
“The Security Council,
“Recognizing that the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by the armed forces of the Government of the United States of America constitute open and direct aggression against Chinese territory;
“Recognizing that the armed aggression against Chinese territory and the armed intervention in Korea by the armed forces of the Government of the United States of America have shattered peace and security in Asia and violated the United Nations Charter and international agreements,
“Condemns the Government of the United States of America for its criminal acts of armed aggression against the Chinese territory of Taiwan, and armed intervention in Korea;
“Resolves to demand the complete withdrawal by the Government of the United States of America of its forces of armed aggression from Taiwan, in order that peace and security in the Pacific and in Asia may be ensured; and further
“Resolves to demand the withdrawal from Korea of the armed forces of the United States of America and all other countries and to leave the people of North and South Korea to settle the domestic affairs of Korea themselves, so that a peaceful solution of the Korean question may be achieved.”