Editorial Note
The United Nations Security Council met on Tuesday, November 28, from 10:45 a. m. to 1:45 p. m.; see U.N. document S/PV.526. A proposal [Page 1241] by the Soviet Representative that the delegate from the People’s Republic of China be heard first was defeated by a vote of 8 to 1 (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), with 2 abstentions (India and Yugoslavia). Most of the meeting was devoted to a lengthy statement by Ambassador Austin wherein he accused the Chinese Communists of aggression in Korea, outlined United States policy in Korea and Formosa, reviewed the history of Sino-American relations, and asked questions of the Chinese delegate aimed at clarifying the number, organization, and composition of the Chinese volunteers in Korea. He also questioned whether the People’s Republic of China was ready to abide by the central paragraph in the six-power draft resolution calling on all states and authorities to refrain from assisting North Korea.