Editorial Note
At the 502nd meeting of the United Nations Security Council held on September 18 from 3 to 7:30 p. m., the United States Representative read the text of the fourth report of the United Nations Command (S/1796) covering the period August 16–31, 1950. The report stated that the Soviet Union had supplied equipment and that the People’s Republic of China had provided manpower for the expansion of the North Korean army by releasing a “vast pool” of ethnic Koreans who had served in combat with the Chinese forces in China. The Soviet Representative read the texts of two communications (S/1778/Rev. 1 and S/1800) from the North Korean Government requesting the Council to take action to stop United States barbarous bombings of nonmilitary targets. He denied that the Soviet Union was supplying arms to North Korea and pointed out that much of the North Korean artillery and equipment was captured United States material supplied to the Republic of Korea but captured by North Korean forces. For the record, see U.N. document S/PV.502.