330/8–2350: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


353. Gross and Ross called on Rau this noon at latter’s request. Rau said he wanted to inform us that according to Malik Soviet Government attitude toward Rau’s proposal of committee of non-permanent members was “unfavorable”. Malik told Rau that while Soviet Government appreciated motives of Rau in putting his proposal forward, it considered it would be better to leave in SC matters Rau proposed to deal with in subcommittee.

Rau said it was not clear to him whether Malik would veto or merely abstain on resolution establishing subcommittee, if tabled.

Rau said he interpreted Soviet reaction as indicating Russians are really not sincere in their desire for peaceful settlement of Korean matter, but have returned to SC merely to take advantage of it as sounding board.

Rau said that under his present instructions, he of course, would not push forward with his proposal unless US and UK supported it. In other words, he said in effect that he would not wish to push for it [Page 640] unless US and UK had “faith in us”. He assumed we shared Indian objective of bringing conflict in Korea to an end as soon as possible “consistent with obligations of charter”.

Rau said that he did not want to be Machiavellian, but it appeared to him that Russian unfavorable reaction to his proposal might provide us an opportunity (by supporting his proposal) to strengthen our propaganda position.

Gross, after thanking Rau for conveying information to us, said that we would not, of course, hide behind the Russian position regarding Rau’s proposal. He said he would transmit information to Department, which had always been interested in views of other SC members re Rau proposal.

Referring to earlier conversation (USUN 325, August 18) concerning possibility establishing a UN advisory council, Gross asked if Rau had received any further clarification from GOI. Gross indicated our tentative reaction that GA would probably be considering problem of future of Korea and that GA itself might wish to consider establishing an advisory council.

Rau had not yet received any further clarification from his Government.

Gross indicated our primary concern that any consideration of war aims or peace aims should be based upon prior compliance with SC resolutions. Rau re-emphasized GOI absolutely firm on compliance. Rau referred to phrase in paragraph (a) (1) of his draft resolution (USUN’s 334, August 19) reading “in accordance with the principles of the UN”, indicating his belief that this formula protected SC resolutions on book. He referred to difficulty in drafting formula acceptable to Egyptian and Yugoslav delegations.

Comment: Information regarding Soviet position mate it even more important in our view to maintain non-commital position. We have now made clear to Rau Department views expressed Deptel 170, August 21. I have stressed to Rau importance we attach to maintaining close and frank consultation with Indian delegation here, particularly in the days ahead. It does not seem to us wise to give Rau opportunity, for which he may indeed be angling, to say that in effect US had made his decision for him regarding his subcommittee proposal. Accordingly, recommend we be authorized maintain line set forth Deptel 170, citing to Rau as additional factor that in view Soviet unfavorable reaction it is not likely his subcommittee would be effective instrument to expedite compliance SC decisions.

New subject: Rau told Gross he had received message from Nehru in which latter stated that because of domestic problems he was facing in India he did not think it would be possible for him to attend GA.
