7956.00/8–220: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea
89. There is growing tendency among correspondents and others to talk of short-comings Rhee Govt thus falling unconsciously for commie line that ROK is reactionary govt not representative of people which [Page 631] has done nothing about land reform, locked up polit opposition, etc.
Dept thinks ROK record far better than its reputation. Greater effort required counteract this growing tendency with factual info about govt achievements. Handling serious refugee problem wld make excellent story this regard. Also excellent resistance ROK troops stressing large casualties, training ROK troop replacements) etc. Cld more be done with ideas ROK is after all legitimate govt confronted by great handicaps, gradually becoming stabilized, encouraging public education, responsive popular will evidenced by two elections in which people expressed free will, as results show? How about more effort publicize national assembly as representative, responsive body?
Suggest giving background briefing Amer fon correspondents such achievement, use every opportunity stress ROK activities. Dept realizes correspondents mostly interested actual war coverage but more serious ones shld be willing note polit factors too.