795.00/7–1450: Telegram
The Chargé in Korea (Drumright) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 15—8:02 a. m.]
6. All ROK Cabinet officers except acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister left Taejon yesterday for Taegu where seat government being established. Both remaining here temporarily. On advice provincial governor civilians evacuating Taejon and most shops closing. With 8th Army headquarters established Taegu, administration here dissolved and KMAG moving headquarters to Taegu. Headquarters General Dean remain Taejon. At suggestion General Walker1 Korean Army headquarters moving Taegu tonight or tomorrow.2
There was little appreciable change in military picture past 24 hours. US forces consolidated along south bank Kum River. Korean forces effected slight withdrawals in Chongju and Chungju areas. Main enemy forces and threat remain in area north of Taejon with possibility enemy may concentrate numerically superior ground forces for attempted drive on the Taejon somewhere between Chochiwon and Chongju. Morale and spirit ROK forces and populace remains good despite hardships and continued withdrawals. Loss of Taejon would be serious psychological blow, however. From military viewpoint loss Taejon would be even more serious since it links north-south railway network and since it would endanger Cholla provinces which rich in food resources and manpower.