Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Allison) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Rusk)
Subject: CBS Broadcast on Korea.
During the CBS “World News Round-Up” at 8 o’clock this morning, the CBS correspondent in New York told of a statement by President Rhee to the effect that the action of the North Korean forces had obliterated the 38th parallel and that no peace and order could be maintained in Korea as long as the division at the 38th parallel remained. The broadcaster then went on to say that an American Army spokesman (it was not clear whether in Tokyo or Korea) had publicly stated that American troops were only in the fighting to drive the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel and would stop there and use force if necessary to prevent South Korean troops from advancing beyond the 38th parallel.
I think both of the above statements should never have been made. President Rhee’s statement is understandable and it would be difficult to persuade him not to make such statements, but perhaps Ambassador Muccio could caution him about premature statements of final aims. I most strongly recommend that representations be made to the Department of Defense at once with a view to having prompt orders sent to Tokyo to the effect that commanders in the field and Army spokesmen should make no statements about what the policy of the United States Government will be in the future. If I were a South Korean soldier and had heard of the announcement by the American Army spokesman I would be strongly tempted to lay down my arms and go back to the farm. It is realized that there are many complicated problems connected with whether we do or do not proceed beyond the 38th parallel, but any statement by us at this time that we will not do so is, I believe, folly.1
- A copy of this memorandum was sent to Mr. Dulles, who, in a separate memorandum of July 13, expressed to Mr. Rusk his agreement with Mr. Allison’s observation that no present commitments should be made with regard to the 38th parallel (795.00/7–1350).↩