Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs (Wainhouse)
Subject: Draft Resolution on Unified Command
Participants: | USUN—Ambassador Gross |
UNP—Mr. Wainhouse |
Ambassador Gross called me at 4:55 to report the following. The Norwegian representative has heard from his Government and reports that his Government does not seem prepared to sponsor the resolution. The Norwegian representative, however, has asked his government to reconsider and expects an answer around 5:30 this afternoon.1
The Norwegian representative wanted to know whether we would be prepared to add at the end of paragraph (3) of the draft resolution2 the following words “as agent for the United Nations”. Ambassador Gross stated that USUN is opposed to such an amendment. The Norwegian representative did not appear disposed to press the point.
The representatives of the UK and France are prepared to sponsor the resolution but they have a special problem relating to the flag and would like to submit the following language which although not expressed as a condition to sponsorship would make it more palatable for them to do so. The language for paragraph (5) as they gave it to Ambassador Gross is as follows:
“Authorizes the unified command to use the United Nations flag in the course of operations against North Korean forces concurrently with the flags of the various nations involved.”
(I raised the question regarding the use of the word “involved” and suggested that a better word would be “participating”.)
Ambassador Gross stated that India will probably vote for the resolution. It, however, would like to allay its fears regarding paragraph (1), that the phrase “to restore peace and security in the area” means only in the Korean area. Accordingly, the Indian representative suggests the use of the word “thus” in paragraph (1) before the phrase “to restore peace and security in the area.”
[Page 319]Ambassador Gross asked if Norway, UK and France dropped out, how strongly do we feel about having a resolution at all.
The Security Council meeting tomorrow has been postponed from 11:00 a m to 3:00 p m at the request of the British.