
Memorandum of Teletype Conference, Prepared in the Department of the Army

top secret

Nr: DA TT 3467

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Tokyo: FEC Item 10

Reur DA–5, DA TT 3462 051029Z July 50:1


The U.S. and the U.N. are committed in Korea to the extent that withdrawal is completely unacceptable from a political viewpoint. There are no known diplomatic steps which would deter the Chinese Communist Government. Should Chinese combat forces become involved in active opposition to U.N. forces in Korea, sufficient power must be added to U.N. forces to insure fulfillment of currently assigned missions. The first military steps should be to destroy the communication facilities into and through North Korea. The assistance of SAC would be required for this task. An announcement by the President that the U.S. would back up the U.N. decision with the Strategic Air Force if necessary might be a psychological deterrent to the Chinese people, including those in the military forces. (End Item 10)

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  1. The text of the referenced document reads as follows:

    Washington: DA–5

    G3 also desires your opinion as to the following:

    Should Chinese Communist combat forces become involved in active opposition to UN forces in Korea, what would be your recommendation as to US reaction from the political-military viewpoint? (End DA–5).” (795.00/7–650)