United States Delegation Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee
top secret
US Min–6
Cabinet Room, The White House
Friday, December 8, 1950
11:15 am–1:20 pm
United States | United Kingdom |
The President | Prime Minister Attlee |
The Vice President | Sir Oliver Franks |
Secretary of State Acheson | Field Marshal Sir William Slim |
Secretary of the Treasury Snyder | Sir Roger Makins |
Attorney General McGrath | Lord Tedder |
Postmaster General Donaldson | Sir Leslie Rowan2 |
Secretary of Interior Chapman | Sir Edwin Plowden |
Secretary of Commerce Sawyer | Mr. Robert Scott |
Under Sec. of Defense Lovett | Mr. John Barnes |
Under Sec. of Agriculture McCormick | Mr. Denis Rickett |
General Omar Bradley | |
Mr. W. Averell Harriman | |
Mr. W. Stuart Symington | |
Mr. William Foster | |
Ambassador at Large Philip Jessup | |
Amb.-Designate Walter S. Gifford | |
Asst. Sec. of State Thorp | |
Asst. Sec. of State Perkins | |
Asst. Sec. of State Rusk | |
Asst. Sec. of Commerce Blaisdell | |
Mr. Ralph Trigg1 | |
Mr. George Elsey | |
Mr. Steven Early |
The President opened the meeting by saying to the Prime Minister that General Collins, Chief of Staff of the Army, had just returned [Page 1469] from a trip to Japan and Korea. They had begun these discussions with a briefing on the military situation by General Bradley and if the Prime Minister thought it would be useful he would ask General Collins to give a briefing on the situation as it stands now.
General Collins said that he had just returned from the four or five-day trip in which he had first gone to Tokyo where he had talked to General MacArthur.3 He then flew to Seoul where he talked to General Walker and went on up to the western front, which at that time was somewhat south of the river. He talked to the Commanders in the field. He then flew to the Hungnam area to see the operations of the Tenth Corps and talk to General Almond. He said that as the result of his conversations, he felt that General Walker’s Command, if not pinned down to any particular directive requiring him to hold the Seoul area or any other particular spot, could gradually withdraw in an organized way to the Pusan area. Pusan was an excellent port where we already had large supplies. The two-track railroad to Pusan was in excellent condition. The Eighth Army was not in danger. They were falling back now to a position north of Seoul. The ROK units were in contact only with small North Korean elements. He felt confident about the general position of the Eighth Army. He spoke of the shift in the position of United States, United Kingdom and Turkish elements in the general redeployment of the forces. He said that the United Kingdom forces had not been badly hurt. The Turks had given a very good account of themselves and had been rather badly hurt in the action. Our Second Division had suffered rather severe losses and had lost a good deal of equipment. The Second Division and the Turks were now being refitted north of Seoul.
[Page 1470]Turning to the eastern front, he said that the Seventh Division, which had been up on the Yalu, was now all back in the Hamhung bridgehead area, except for two battalions which were with the Marines south of the reservoir. He had flown out to the area where the Marines were fighting and at first they had had good weather and had been able to see the operation but a snow storm had then begun and they were only able to see part of it. He explained that the Marines had not yet started down the precipitous slope which leads from the plateau area on which they were to the valley below. Forces had been despatched northward from the bridgehead to make a junction with the Marines. In his opinion if we had any kind of a decent break in regard to the weather which would permit the operation of our air force they had a good chance of getting back. The Chinese were making a very strong effort to bar their progress but we should be able to get out if air cover can be supplied. He pointed out also that our artillery was now within range of the area involved to support the evacuation. The column had its tanks with them and the operation was being well handled. He said that General Almond feels he can hold the bridgehead, including the airfield and the two cities of Hamhung and Hungnam for a considerable time with air cover and could evacuate the forces without serious loss. If Russian air came in in strength, this would pose a more serious problem. General MacArthur’s plans, pending any political decision requiring a modification, were to withdraw the Tenth Corps to the Pusan area perhaps dropping small units at Pohang which would then move inland. From a military point of view, he said that all considered, it was far sounder to go to Pusan than to try to go across to form a junction with the Eighth Army. He felt, and the Commanders in the field agreed, that we could hold a position somewhere south of Seoul. He did not think that we could hold the Seoul area itself but perhaps could fall back to a position behind the Han River or hold on the Naktong River front. In summary, from a military point of view he could say that our troops were not in a critical condition today. The position of the Marines, however, was serious. He thought, however, that the Tenth Corps could be concentrated in the Hamhung area and could be withdrawn. He thought further that a junction could be made with the Eighth Army and that they could hold the Pusan bridgehead indefinitely.
[Here follows discussion of the questions of raw materials and United States–United Kingdom liaison, scheduled for publication in volume III.]
The President said it then appeared that this part of the work had been a very successful conference for both of us.
[Page 1471]Secretary Acheson raised the question of the final communiqué and suggested to the President that the group was too large to draft it.
The President said clearly that the whole group could not engage in drafting. He told the Prime Minister that he would name the Secretary of State and any one that he wished to work on the matter, if that was agreeable to the Prime Minister. It was not possible to work out a draft in the entire meeting.
The Prime Minister agreed and said that he would designate Sir Roger Makins to assist with the drafting on their side. He then referred to a paper which he had handed to the President yesterday on the question of perfecting the liaison between the United Kingdom and the United States (Annex B).4 He wondered whether the President had had a chance to look at it. He had not proposed any formal arrangement but merely some informal steps.
The President said that he thought the general idea was a good one but he had had no chance to talk about it with General Marshall yet but that he would do so.
The Prime Minister asked Sir Roger Makins if he could report on the present state of the communiqué.
Sir Roger Makins said that a text was nearly ready to look at and that he thought they had no particular points to raise at the moment.
Secretary Acheson suggested that the drafting group could look at the issues involved and bring back to the President and the Prime Minister any points requiring their decision.
The President said the drafting group could get to work at once and then submit the results to the Prime Minister and to him. If the Prime Minister had not yet met the Vice President and the members of the Cabinet who were present this interval would give an opportunity to talk with them about various matters.
The Vice President said that he had had the pleasure of meeting the Prime Minister some time ago and that he had spoken to him this morning and was glad to say that he found him even younger and more handsome than he had been five years ago.
In response to a question from the President, Secretary Acheson said he would designate Assistant Secretary Perkins to take charge of the work on our side.
The President asked the Prime Minister whether there was anything else he wished to bring up at the moment.
The Prime Minister replied he thought things were pretty well covered.
Sir Oliver Franks said that all of the things they had wanted to bring up had already been covered and he thought in a very satisfactory way. They had nothing new to bring up at the last moment.
[Page 1472]The President said that he had nothing new in mind but that he did not want to cut off the discussion if the Prime Minister had wanted to raise anything else. The talks had been very satisfactory from his point of view.
The Prime Minister said that he felt the same way.
The President said we now know where each other stands and commented that the military report which they had had from General Collins gave a more satisfactory presentation than they had had before.
The Prime Minister agreed.
The President said that it was hard in such a military situation for those of us who are sitting at desks to know just what the situation is in the field. He recalled how in various military situations there is a tendency first to have one’s feelings very high up and then very low down. He did not think that we were going to be kicked out of Korea.
The Prime Minister said that we must take a stand and see what happens. No rapid judgment should be made in a fluid situation.
General Bradley remarked that on the basis of the present situation we were at least not forced to negotiate under pressure.
The President and The Prime Minister agreed.
The Vice President inquired whether the line that General Collins had referred to could be held by the forces already in Korea or whether we would have to send more.
General Bradley said that we could hold it with the present force supplemented by the normal flow of replacements.
The President said that was very encouraging. The situation was not as gloomy as it had appeared on the day when the discussions had started. It was very satisfactory to hear from a man who had just been on the spot.
The Prime Minister said that this was very good indeed.
There then ensued general conversation around the table in the course of which the President asked the Prime Minister to excuse him for a few minutes and withdrew from the room.
The President returned to the room at 12:35 and at 12:50 the drafting group returned with its text and the conference resumed.
The President said that if it was agreeable to the Prime Minister he would ask someone to read the communiqué all the way through after which we could discuss the different points.
Secretary Acheson suggested that Mr. Perkins, who had been in charge of the drafting, should read it.
Mr. Perkins read the communiqué.5
[Page 1473]Secretary Acheson interposed at one point to ask the President whether he could raise a question then or whether the President wished the reading of the communiqué to continue and then to raise the questions.
The President said he would prefer to come back later to specific points.
The President then said there were a couple more sentences on which he and the Prime Minister had agreed and which were to be included in the communiqué. He then read the sentences dealing with the atomic bomb as they appear in the final communiqué. The President said we should find the proper place to insert them.
The President then asked Secretary Acheson if he wanted to bring up the point he had raised on the part dealing with the question of seating the Chinese Communists and Formosa.
Secretary Acheson said there were two questions regarding the language which he would like to raise. In the present text, the explanation of the reasons for the United States not wishing to seat the Chinese Communist representatives in the United Nations was put in terms of our recognition of the Nationalist Government. He proposed the following substitute language: “The United Kingdom has recognized the Central People’s Government and considers that its representatives should occupy China’s seat in the United Nations. The United States has opposed and continued to oppose the seating of the Chinese Communist representatives in the United Nations.”
The Prime Minister said that this alternate language was satisfactory.
Secretary Acheson also called attention to the sentence which said that the decision on Chinese representation was, of course, a matter for the United Nations. He said this was obviously true but the question arose why it was inserted. It must have some significance. Some people might interpret it as meaning we don’t like this situation but it is a fact. It was either a statement of a platitude or it had some special significance which was not apparent and he thought it was better to leave it out.
Mr. Harriman said that this was especially true since the thought was already expressed in the first sentence.
The Prime Minister agreed that the first sentence did carry the same idea, and it was agreed to delete the sentence in question.
Field Marshal Slim wished to raise a question regarding the sentence about the appointment of the Supreme Commander. He hoped this could be modified to read: “It is intended that this appointment will be made soon.” People in Europe are waiting for a definite decision on this point.
Secretary Acheson said that he had no objection to the thought which the Field Marshal had advanced, but his language would sound [Page 1474] as if the President and the Prime Minister were announcing the intention of all of the NATO countries.
The President remarked that he was very anxious to appoint the Supreme Commander.
Secretary Acheson suggested it might be possible to say: “It is our joint desire that this shall be made soon.”
The Prime Minister, Field Marshal Slim and Sir Roger Makins all expressed approval, and The President agreed.
The Prime Minister said that in the next to the last line in the sixth paragraph he would like to take out the word “world” before “peace.” As the sentence now reads, it sounds as if we were anticipating the outbreak of world war.
The President agreed.
Secretary Acheson said to the President that it was recommended that the statement on the atomic bomb be inserted in the middle of page 7. In this context it would avoid having the statement refer to any particular part of the world whether Europe or the Far East. It comes in a section dealing with general military capabilities.
The Vice President asked that the statement on the atomic bomb be read again, and The President read it.6 The Vice President wondered whether the statement meant that only the Prime Minister would be informed and no one else.
The President pointed out that the Prime Minister represented the country which was especially helping us with raw materials and the general defense effort. He understood that the insertion was satisfactory.
The Attorney General pointed out that on page 3 the language did not correctly state the purpose of the mission of our troops in Korea. They had been sent there not to unify Korea but to resist the aggression. The language in the communiqué did not sound as if this were true.
Mr. Harriman said he thought this was a very important point.
The Prime Minister and The President agreed.
Secretary Acheson suggested substituting the words “to end the aggression” but thought that the drafting group could fix it up. (There followed an exchange of suggestions in which Mr. Harriman, the Prime Minister and others participated ending in an agreement on the text.) The Secretary said that Mr. Early had pointed out a possible misunderstanding beginning at the bottom of page 6 where [Page 1475] the text said that the President and the Prime Minister had “reached the following decisions.” Actually, this referred to only two conclusions and not to the balance of the paper. The two conclusions might be numbered.
The President and The Prime Minister agreed.
Mr. Harriman said the Attorney General suggested in the fourth line from the end on page 3 that the word “joint” be inserted so that the phrase would read “For our joint part we are ready. …”
The President said that he and the Secretary of State did not think that the insertion of this word added anything.
Secretary Snyder agreed and The Attorney General said he would not press his point.
The President said that the word had better be left out and The Prime Minister said it was not necessary to put it in. The President said it would therefore not be inserted.
The Prime Minister then returned to the question of the place in which the statement on the atomic bomb would be inserted. He wondered if it would not be better to insert it between the ultimate and penultimate paragraphs.
Sir Oliver Franks added that if this were agreeable to the President they would be happy to have it in that place.
The President agreed and said the insert should be put in the place indicated by the Prime Minister.
The President then asked whether there were any other suggestions. If the communiqué was now satisfactory, it could be agreed upon.
Mr. Harriman said he thought there might be some concern in this country about the statement on page 9 which merely said: “We are fully conscious of the increasing necessity of preventing materials” reaching our adversaries. There was some feeling that this statement might create a good deal of discussion in the United States because of the strong feeling that we ought to do something about this problem.
The President thought that the language was all right as it was. He said that actually we are doing something about it.
As the meeting closed, The Prime Minister thanked the President for his kind hospitality and for the way in which the President and his colleagues had received the Prime Minister and his associates.
The President responded by referring to his statement that this had been a very productive and successful conference.
(Final Communiqué attached.)
[Page 1476]- Economic Minister in the British Embassy in Washington.↩
- Administrator of the Production and Marketing Administration, Department of Agriculture.↩
- General Collins held his final meeting with General MacArthur in Tokyo on December 7, at which time the latter gave his overall views on the Korea situation, which were then reported to the JCS by General Collins. General MacArthur felt that the full power of the United Nations should be assembled at once to meet the Communist threat in Asia, since it had appeared there. If reinforcements could be sent to Korea in time, the most advantageous maneuver would be a series of fighting withdrawals to Pusan to damage the Chinese armies as much as possible. If reinforcements could not be forwarded, he thought the Command should be evacuated from Korea. In any case, if the Communists continued their all-out drive and his Command continued to operate with the present restrictions, the forces of the United Nations would have to be withdrawn with or without an armistice. These restrictions, as listed by General Collins, were: (1) no U.N. air action against China; (2) no U.N. naval blockade of China; (3) no reinforcement of U.N. forces from Nationalist China; (4) no substantial reinforcement of U.N. forces from the United States. If the restrictions were withdrawn, and if he could secure 50,000–60,000 Chinese Nationalist troops from Formosa, General MacArthur thought he could hold a line across Korea. If, on the other hand, the Chinese Communists could be persuaded not to cross the 38th Parallel, General MacArthur thought that the United Nations should accept an armistice based on the 38th Parallel, because that would be the most advantageous settlement which could be achieved in the circumstances. (Record of the Actions Taken by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pp. 70–72)↩
- The text of this document is scheduled for publication in volume iii.↩
- The draft communiqué read by Mr. Perkins is not printed.↩
- See Mr. Jessup’s memorandum of December 7 and the annexed memorandum by Mr. Arneson supplementing the Minutes of the 5th Truman–Attlee Meeting of December 7, p. 1462.↩