795.00/12–850: Telegram
The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 8—5:35 a. m.]
544. News dispatch quoted in Deptel 423, December 7,1 graphically illustrates frantic and almost universal desire North Korean civilians [Page 1466] to escape further Communist oppression and misery. It of interest that this phenomenon is underlined in UNCURK report to UN on Chinese Communist intervention.2 Desire to escape is enhanced because of knowledge Communists this time are alien Chinese who traditionally hated and feared by Koreans.
For Department’s information, it had been hoped great majority of North Koreans would “stay put”, but tide proved irresistible, particularly from Pyongyang and Chinnampo areas where deterrent steps could not easily be implemented. There is reason to believe large exodus is also under way south along coastal highway from Wonsan. Current policy is to direct refugees, who run into six figures, away from main supply routes and potential areas of military operations. Those moving south from Pyongyang area are being diverted to Haeju area. For military and security reasons, it has not been policy to encourage North Koreans to seek refuge in ROK where government and UN welfare agencies are hard pressed to care for those already here not to mention numberless others who will take to road in case Chinese Communists invade ROK.