751G.00/12–1650: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
3466. Saigon’s telegram 1070 to Department, repeated Paris 516.1 De Lattre is dead set against returning Palace to Viets and made special point of this at lunch December 13 (Embtel 3412)2 describing idea as one of Anglo-Saxon origin in which neither Bao Dai nor Viets interested. He emphasized that France would by January 1 have turned over all attributes of internal sovereignty to Vietnam and was justified in retaining suitable residence for her representative in Saigon. He expressed hope that his relations with Legation, Saigon, would not be clouded by return to this question on which his mind was made up. “We have graver issues to discuss,” he said.
Department pass Saigon. Sent Department 3466 repeated information Saigon 261.
- In telegram 1070 from Saigon, December 14, not printed, Minister Heath emphasized the advisability of the transfer of the High Commissioner’s Palace to Bao Dai on the occasion of General de Dattre de Tassigny succeeding Pignon (751G.00/12–1450).↩
- Telegram 3412 from Paris, December 14, reporting a private luncheon at the residence of General de Lattre de Tassigny attended by three members of the Embassy staff, is not printed (751G.5/12–1450).↩