Editorial Note
On October 17, 1950, an informal State–Defense meeting occurred during which the recent talks with the French Ministers (see editorial note, page 893), overall estimates of the Indochina situation, and the proposed NSC policy statement (see SEAC D–21, Rev. 1, October 11, page 886) were discussed. Participants included William S. B. Lacy, Director of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State; Robert Hoey, Officer in Charge, Indochinese Affairs, Department of State; and Major General Harry J. Maloney, Defense Member, Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee. For a record of the meeting, see memorandum by Kenneth T. Young, Far Eastern Adviser, Office of Foreign Military Affairs, Department of Defense, in United States–Vietnam Relations, 1943–1967, Book 8, pages 373–376. There is attached to the memorandum a draft aide-mémoire to the French Government, not sent, summarizing the ministerial conversations as they concerned Indochina; for text, see ibid., pages 377–379.