Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Webb) to the President
Memorandum for the President
Subject: Allocation of Funds to Provide an Intensified Program of Information and Educational Exchange for Southeast and South Asia under Section 303 of the Mutual Defense Assistance Act.
The Department of State recommends that an intensified program of information and educational exchange be undertaken immediately in the countries of Southeast and South Asia to acquaint those countries with the policies of the United States and to explain United States’ programs of military and economic aid to their peoples and governments. An important part of this information program will be concerned with the true nature of Communism and its threat to the independence of those countries through aggression from without and subversive activities from within.
While it is clear that a major responsibility for attaining the objectives of the total program rests with the governments concerned, the Department of State recognizes that no local governments are equipped to perform the informational task. Nor can the Department of State undertake an expanded program on the scale required in this crucial area within the limits of the modest appropriation available for its overseas information and education program. In this connection it will be recalled that you, on December 30, 1949, approved the conclusions of the National Security Council on “The Position of the United States with Respect to Asia” (NSC 48/2) which included the following statement (3–k):
“The United States should undertake an information program, both foreign and domestic, and publish United States’ policies and programs vis-à-vis Asia designed to gain maximum support both at home and abroad.”
It is therefore requested that you at this time approve an intensified program of information and educational exchange for Southeast and South Asia, and that the amount of $2,930,000 be allocated immediately [Page 104] for this purpose under Section 303 of the Mutual Defense Assistance Act.1 This program would be administered by the Secretary of State under the provisions of Public Law No. 402.2
These funds would permit the immediate expansion of the information program in this critical area. The estimates provided herein (Annex B)3 are the nearest that could be made at this time and are based on the assumption that Congress will authorize the carry-over of unobligated Section 303 funds into fiscal 1951. It is anticipated that this allocation will be sufficient to carry the intensified program in Asia until the Congress acts on the supplemental information appropriation for fiscal 1951 which you already have approved in principle for submission to Congress.
It is anticipated that a substantial part of the funds would be obligated before the end of this fiscal year for the purchase of supplies and equipment which are urgently needed in overseas operations and for which sufficient field staff is available to provide immediate utilization. This will provide an immediate impact on the peoples of the area.
Details of the proposed intensified programs are given in Annexes A and B.