793.00/7–2850: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
221. 1. Bajpai, Secretary General MEA, read to me today excerpt of telegram from Panikkar, Indian Ambassador to China. Panikkar said that highest Chinese officials continued to contend that Korean fighting had been engineered by US and UK in order screen carrying out conspiracy on their part to attack Communist China. As further evidence existence this conspiracy, Chinese officials were now stating that US was entering into treaty with Siam which would enable it to use Siam as base for operations against China.
2. Bajpai said that neither GOI nor Panikkar believed such absurd story; nevertheless he thought it would be useful if he could inform Panikkar what facts were. He asked me if I had information which would indicate that US was entering into defensive alliance with Siam and if so was I in position to let him have sufficient facts for Panikkar’s use in convincing Chinese that there was no basis or their alleged alarm.
3. I said I was confident that US Government was not entering into treaty with Siam which reasonable person could interpret as threatening China. I was also certain that such commitments we might make to Siam would be in framework of UN. I was not able to give him with precision information which he could use for passing along to Panikkar. I would however if he desired ask Washington for instructions. I was confident furthermore that in any event before entering into final commitment with Siam, US would inform GOI re its intentions.
4. Bajpai said he would appreciate having such information as US Government would feel itself free to give with indication of the part of this information which GOI could feel free to send to Panikkar to give to Peiping.
5. Department’s instructions would be appreciated.