Editorial Note
In telegram 41 to the Embassy in Addis Ababa, August 22, not printed, the Secretary of State instructed Ambassador Merrell to inform the Emperor that the Ethiopian offer of troops for Korea constituted “striking evidence” of Ethiopia’s continued belief in obtaining [Page 1700] justice through collective security under the auspices of the United Nations, and to suggest that, since military operations in Korea were being conducted as a result of decisions taken by the United Nations Security Council, the offer be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. If the offer were accepted, representatives of the Ethiopian Government might meet with officials of the Defense and State Departments to discuss details of training, equipment, supplies, and transportation. The Secretary noted that the Ethiopian offer of troops would be an outstanding example to other nations of the importance placed on carrying out its international and United Nations obligations by a small country which was formerly a victim of aggression. (795b.5/8–2350) In telegram 55, from Addis Ababa, September 5, not printed, Ambassador Merrell reported on a further conversation with the Emperor concerning the details of the unit proposed for Korea. (775.00/9–550)