782.5/9–1350: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey 1

top secret

135. Secy now discussing with Western FonMins2 question security arrangements Greece and Turkey on basis fol US position formulated after consultation with Defense.

[Page 1314]
Any decision Turk participation shld include Greece.
While extension membership to Greece and Turkey presently unwise recommend offering opportunity assoc in work mil planning bodies under Defense Comite.
Entire NAT Council3 shld adopt unanimous stand re proposal emerging from Tripartite talks to insure uniform position vis-à-vis Grk and Turk Govts.
All NAT members consulted by Turks and Grks shld take position development org NAT and defensive strength present members not yet advanced sufficiently permit extension to new members but Turk and Grk applications will receive continuing study. Meanwhile special arrangements accorded wld permit Turks and Grks participate in appropriate mil planning.
Council communiqué shld make public statement on special arrangements extended Greece and Turkey.
US, UK, France shld issue prompt statement similar that issued after May Council mtg4 confirming their interest security of region specifically including Iran.

Re further steps concerning gen security Greece, Turkey, Iran.

US continuing study mil requirements Greece, Turkey, Iran in light changed internatl situation. Studies in progress re additional mil equipment which cld and shld be supplied in event attack by satellite forces against Greece or Turkey or Soviet inspired revolution in Iran.
US favors continuation UNSCOB in present form as contribution Grk security.


Defense indicates inclusion Greece and Turkey NAT wld have adverse effect progress NAT org except in realm coordinated mil planning. Defense also opposed creation Eastern Mediterranean pact on ground coordination two pacts difficult in absence superior auth and that except Turkey individual countries in area militarily too weak to benefit from joint defense. Defense also against definite commitment mil assistance Greece, Turkey, Iran beyond those already made in view of prior obligations elsewhere.

Precedent for arrangements permitting assoc Greece Turkey on mil planning drawn from Par II, 1 North Atlantic Council directive [Page 1315] to Ocean Shipping Planning Board providing for representatives of nontreaty member countries to participate in work of Board “where appropriate”.

ITS position that adverse effect denial NAT membership to Greece Turkey might be mitigated by offer of assoc appropriate planning accompanied by assurance that door not closed re NAT membership later. Dept particularly concerned re Iran reaction and believes best line for Iran wld be that comparable arrangements precluded on geographic grounds.

Info this tel strictly FYI. You will be kept advised.5

Comments Emb Tehran urgently requested.

  1. The same telegram was sent to Athens (798) and Tehran (467).
  2. For documentation on the Tripartite Meeting, Foreign Ministers of France, United Kingdom, and United States, New York, September 1950, see vol. iii, pp. 1108 ff.
  3. For documentation on the Fifth Session of the North Atlantic Council, New York, September 15–17 and 26, see vol. iii, pp. 1 ff.
  4. For documentation on the meetings of the Foreign Ministers of France, United Kingdom, and United States, London, May 11–13, see ibid., pp. 828 ff. Regarding the statement of May 19 by British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Ernest Bevin and the statement of May 20 by Secretary of State Dean G. Acheson, see footnote 2, p. 1264.
  5. Department’s telegram 136, September 13, to Ankara, not printed, informed Ambassador Wadsworth that “ForMins have substantially agreed program outlined Deptel 135” (782.5/9–1350).