782.5/7–2250: Telegram

The Ambassador in Turkey (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State

top secret

51. Foreign Minister pointedly took me aside after dinner July 20 for quiet half hour talk. He wished particularly “orient me re major matters discussed at Yalova conference” called by President July 18 “to survey national defense position in light of critical world situation”. Principal conferees were Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, Chief of General Staff, and Commanders Navy1 and Air Force.2 On conclusion conference Prime Minister issued short communiqué reading:

“We examined new measures for reorganization of armed forces. Government attaches great importance to question. It will be readily understood that in prevailing world conditions questions of national defense must be placed on highest plane”.

Highlights of Foreign Minister’s comment to me follows:

Major subject discussed and decided was pressing need immediately to strengthen existing forces. Basis of discussion was General McBride’s letter of June 30 to Chief General Staff.3 (Note: This letter supplied check list of problems prompt solution of which were deemed necessary to ultimate success of aid program and to development of full combat potential defense forces, notably inactivation of certain units to permit reinforcement of others, immediate implementation recommendations for current doubling number NCO’s, general speed-up of training program, extensive command inspections and concentrated effort on war and mobilization plans.)
Conference decided immediate action would be taken in cooperation with aid mission to implement these recommendations. In light world situation it concurred in General McBride’s view that present state armed forces is “alarming” and that they must be brought immediately to maximum effective potential within practical possibilities and general budget limitations. (Note: General McBride and I believe much currently needed improvements can be made within framework this formula.)
Conference then decided Prime Minister should invite Foreign Minister and US Ambassador to confer next week to review entire field US-Turkish cooperation from economic as well as military aspects. It took position that in event third world war defense through neutrality would be illusory for any nation and for Turkey unthinkable. “We shall”, Foreign Minister said, “continue our orientation to Western democracies. Our interests lie with yours”.

I shall, of course, report further developments and meanwhile would appreciate any general guidance Department may consider desirable.

  1. Rear Adm. Sadik Altincan.
  2. Lt. Gen. Muzaffer Göksenin.
  3. Letter to Gen. Nuri Yamut, not printed (Ankara Embassy files, lot 58F33, box 3299, 400 MDAP January-June 1950).