Editorial Note
The Ad Hoc Political Committee, on November 27, considered the recommendations of the Fifth Committee as to the financing of Palestine refugee assistance (see the editorial note, page 1047). The four sponsors of the draft resolution of November 7 accepted the recommendations. The Chairman of the Ad Hoc Political Committee then called for a vote on the draft resolution, as completed by incorporating these recommendations. The Committee thereupon adopted the draft resolution by 43 votes to none, with six abstentions. For the Committee’s deliberations on November 27, see GA (V), Ad Hoc Political Committee, page 363.
The Committee reported to the General Assembly on November 30. The text of its report is printed as A/1566 in GA (V), Agenda Item 20, Annexes, page 42. The Assembly, on December 2, adopted the draft resolution contained in the Committee’s report by 46 votes to none, with six abstentions; see GA (V), Plenary, page 529. The resolution is numbered 393 (V).
[Page 1063]The President of the General Assembly, on December 4, announced the appointment of the Negotiating Committee on Contributions to Programmes of Relief and Rehabilitation, consisting of Canada, Egypt, France, India, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay (GA(V), Plenary, page 588). The Chairman of the Negotiating Committee reported in a statement on December 15 that the responses to requests for pledges on Palestine refugee assistance had been a “keen disappointment” and that it would “endeavour in the next few weeks to close the gap left by the failure of many Governments to meet their responsibilities.” (A/1744, IO files)