
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. James M. Ludlow

Participants: General Riley
Mr. Ludlow

Yesterday afternoon, General Riley informed me that he had had conversations with Salah-El-Din, Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tarazi of the Syrian Delegation, concerning the suggestion which had been made by Zeineddine to Dr. Bunche about ten days ago that Arab representatives have a conference with Dr. Bunche and Ambassador Gross concerning possible political steps which might be taken during the General Assembly to ameliorate the overall Palestine situation.

General Riley said that both Salah-El-Din and Tarazi seemed to be fully acquainted with Zeineddine’s proposal and felt that it would be desirable to arrange a date for the suggested conference. Salah-El-Din stated that he wished to consult with Fawzi Bey concerning Egyptian views and that he would advise Riley within a day or two on the possibility of a date for the get-together.

Ambassador Gross has already conveyed to Zeineddine directly and through Dr. Bunche and General Riley his willingness to be available for any discussions which might take place and has requested me to keep in touch with General Riley and Dr. Bunche on any developments.