Editorial Note

The Ad Hoc Political Committee of the General Assembly began its deliberations on the Palestine refugee question on November 1, centering its attention on Major General Kennedy’s report of October 6. Ambassador Austin, on November 1, advised the Department that “3 Arab speakers in morning confined themselves to preliminary remarks of approval, and since no speakers volunteered during afternoon session, Committee adjourned until 3 o’clock November 2. Seemed obvious that most delegations not prepared. However, since debate so far confined to report as economic and humanitarian subject, and since it seems unlikely there will be large scale opposition, Palestine Working Group believes it desirable that US table as soon as possible, preferably November 3, resolution along lines that contained position paper, (US/A/AC.38/191)” (telegram Delga 214 from New York, 320/11–150; US/A/AC.38/191, not printed). The summary of the deliberations on November 1 is printed in United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Ad Hoc Political Committee, Summary Records of Meetings, 30 September to 14 December 1950 (hereinafter cited as GA (V), Ad Hoc Political Committee), pages 193 ff.