320/10–1050: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 43. Re Delgas 101 and 102,1 Dept’s views on Swedish-Netherlands draft res re Jerusalem are as follows:
- 1.
- Pursuant to position contained SD/A/C.1/342/Rev,2 USDel shld not express at this stage views pro or con overall draft. Del shld watch closely for any indication Res’s acquiring voting strength.
- 2.
- It wld appear appropriate make a few informal observations on draft Res, but such comments, if made, shld be presented as in interest of perfecting Res. Shld be made clear US not participating in drafting Res. Suggestions follow:
Invitation to Govts and States of Holy Land to make pledge before UN and thereupon enumerating items to be pledged appears satisfactory; particularly shld be noted emphasis on reducing armed forces in Jerusalem area by progressive stages rather than former concept of complete demilitarization. This makes proposal more realistic and shld make it more acceptable Israel and Jordan.
In para A ref to “States in the Holy Land” not clear. Shld this not be limited to Israel and Jordan by direct ref?
Dept presumes ref to internatl regime in para B before Art I applies to Jerusalem area only. Suggest this be made clear.
[Here follow comments and suggested changes in wording of the draft resolution by the Department of State and a request for comment.]
- Both dated October 10; neither printed. The latter message transmitted the text of the draft resolution, said to have been prepared by the Netherlands and Swedish Delegates, with the collaboration of the British Delegate (320/10–1050). The draft resolution was subsequently introduced by the Swedish Delegate alone; for its nature, see the second paragraph of the editorial note on p. 1071.↩
- Dated October 10, supra.↩