320/10–650: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations ( Austin )
Gadel 31. Re Wainhouse Taylor telecon Friday Oct 6 on possibility Arab item on refugees being pushed for prompt consideration in Ad Hoc Comite, Dept believes that while too obvious opposition to consideration this item now shld be avoided as it might exacerbate relations with Arab Dels, US should take firm position that in view fact PCC and PRA report conclusions and recommendations have not been transmitted to GA and since it may be anticipated that these reports will be most germane to consideration Arab refugee problem, consideration of Arab item now wld not be orderly Comite procedure and wld in effect involve consideration refugee problem twice by Ad Hoc Comite with less chance of worthwhile debate both times. Such unusual procedure for debating refugee problem wld be unnecessarily time consuming and hence in interest of orderly consideration of Comite’s agenda items shld be opposed.