700.00(S)/10–450: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


(Infotel). USUN reports that after expressing hope US wld support Arab position in SC on alleged Israeli aggression against Jordan, member Iraqi Del2 stated wld be good if UN wld impose on Arabs and Israel solution of Pal problem. He added that Arabs wld not like it, but wld simply have to take it, and that, provided UN-imposed solution fair and equitable, he cld see no other way achieving real peace. Meanwhile, Bunche3 told USGADel he thought Jordan made mistake in agreeing Yarmuk line. He doubted forgery involved and thought more likely Jordanians taken in by more skillful negotiators. Bunche felt, however, Jordan had good claim to terr in question on basis equity, since never been intended that armistice negots shld involve anything but Pal terr. He thought SC shld refer question back to MAC in first instance.4

  1. At Arab capitals and Tel Aviv.
  2. Fadhil Jamali.
  3. Ralph J. Bunche, former Acting United Nations Mediator in Palestine.
  4. The information in this circular telegram is based on telegram 647, October 4, from New York (310.5/10–450).