320.2AA/9–1550: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, September 18, 1950—7 p. m.
289. Reurtels 540 of Sept 15 and 563 of Sept 161 Dept believes US position on Egypt and Israeli complaints shld be as follows:
- 1.
- In view of likely thorough airing Palestine problems during GA, we shld discourage possibility of two forums simultaneously considering problems if scheduling of items on GA and SC agenda wld bring this about;
- 2.
- Since Egypt allegations may not involve violation of armistice agreement SC shld request overall report from Gen Riley before considering allegations;
- 3.
- Re proposed Israel SC agenda item, Dept believes Israel Delegation shld be queried re their aim in submitting complaints and advised US is not convinced putting item before SC at this time will result in benefit to gen Palestine situation. If Israel item is placed on SC agenda and comes up for discussion, US shld state willingness to discuss allegations but it essential Gen Riley be called to participate in SC discussions. Efforts shld be made to avoid polemics by stressing desirability of clarifying facts behind all allegations.
Dept will advise further on course to be followed shld full debate items eventuate.
- Neither printed; the former reported that Egypt had requested that an item concerning Israeli expulsion of thousands of Bedouins be placed on the agenda of the Security Council; the latter, that Israel had requested the similar placing of an item concerning violations of the armistice agreements with Israel by Egypt and Jordan and their nonobservance of procedures laid down by the armistice agreements. (320.2AA/9–1550, 330/9–1650) The Embassy in Cairo, on September 12, reported information from the Egyptian Foreign Office that the Israelis had expelled 2,000 refugees the previous day, making a total of 6,000 during the past few weeks. The Foreign Office emphasized how strongly it felt about the matter and insisted that the United Nations do something about it. (Telegram 271, 320.2AA/9–1250)↩