674.84A/9–1150: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt 1


210. It has been suggested to Dept that Korean situation has demonstrated to both Arabs and Israelis necessity for settlement of their differences and thus produced atmosphere conducive achievement some sort settlement or modus vivendi. While experience PCC in recent visit wld seem indicate to contrary Dept believes possibility shld be investigated. Confidential comment therefore requested on fol:

Is there greater chance general settlement or settlement most important issues between Arabs and Israelis as result Korean crisis?
If so, do you believe Egypt and Israel wld be willing reach limited settlement on basis some such quid pro quo as territorial and refugee compensation concessions by Israel in return reduction or elimination trade restrictions by Egypt?

Rpt reply to Emb London for McGhee.2

  1. This telegram was repeated to Tel Aviv for action.
  2. Ambassador Caffery replied on September 14, giving his opinion that the Korean crisis had not made the Egyptians any more amenable regarding Palestine. He added that recent Israeli actions expelling several thousand Arabs into the Gaza strip had created such ill feeling in Egypt that even a limited settlement was doubtful. (Telegram 283 from Cairo, 884A.411/9–1450)

    Chargé Ford replied the following day, expressing his beliefs that there was no chance of appreciable settlement of any Arab-Israeli issues as an immediate result of the Korean crisis and that Israel would favor talks with Egypt concerning a limited settlement. He noted also that the suggestion of territorial concessions by Israel to alleviate trade restrictions by Egypt was completely unreal in the light of the obduracy of the Israeli leaders; and that even the question of compensation was being played down, probably for tactical and bargaining reasons. (Telegram 151 from Tel Aviv, 674.84A/9–1550)